Wednesday 15 June 2016

Listening Post

I don't always sit around being a metalhead! I do have a softer side. (Although if you do want to heat what I've dug out from Satan's belly click here)

So here's a quick post about some of the non metal music that's been in my head over the last couple of weeks. There's some reminiscing with two well established acts and hopefully some artists you have not yet discovered and like the sound of.

Artists: Stone Roses
Track: I Am The Resurrection
Find Them: Facebook/Twitter

With the Stone Roses releasing a long awaited new single, I've found myself relistening to their previous 2 albums. They are simply one of the most important bands in British music history and my music history!

Artist: Jimbobeni
Track: Under Your Skin
Find Him: Facebook/Twitter

Jimbodeni is an exciting electro ambient music producer from Lincoln UK, and also my mate! Don't let that cloud your judgement though. He is getting a lot of support from BBC introducing in the East Midlands. There is an incredible vocal ability shown in all tracks and an ear for moving sound scapes. Check out his most recent track here!

Artists: Haun's Mill
Track: New York City
Find Them: Facebook/Twitter

I've recently been introduced to this Indie Folk duo from Austin, Texas. Lead by a husband and wife combination, I can't hear enough of the lovely vocal harmonies on this song.

Artists: Victory Dance
Track: Memphis
Find Them: Facebook/Twitter

These guys are an Alternative Indie Pop band hailing from New York. Whilst in this format they are relatively new, they have significant experience and calibre in previous bands and seem to have found the right formula if this track is anything to go by. Also, gotta love some Supernatural Demon eyes in a video. (Where are the Winchesters?)

Artists: Clones of Clones
Track: Hole (Live)
Find Them: Facebook/Instagram

I heard these after they liked an Instagram post I put up. They are an Indie band from Washington DC. I love the atmospheric feel of this song.  I feel they capture some of the spirit of great British bands like the Smiths and Doves. It's a really good listen.

Artists: Counting Crows
Song: Omaha
Find Them: Facebook/Twitter

The band that almost define the '90's for me! You've probably all heard it but listen to it again, still a great sounding song.

Artists: Slumlord Radio
Track: Bullwhip
Find Them: Facebook/Twitter/Bandcamp

Yes I admit it, there is a heavy element to this band. However part of their intrigue lies in there mix of genre's which makes them accessible to so many fans of multiple genres. If you like this and want more click here.

Thanks for reading, hope you found something for you.

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